Title of project: The Survivors’ Advocacy Package for improving the criminal justice response to young victims of sexual violence in Albania
Project Purpose: The proposed Advocacy Package will enhance the scope of work of the Survivors’ Panel and will strengthen its position among contributors of criminal justice.
The main activities of the project: The advocacy activities will work for both dimensions, response and prevention.
Advocacy activities contributing to Justice Process pillar of response include:
- a) Training for Young Survivors Advisory Panel on how to do monitoring; Coaching the Advisory Panel in designing the monitoring tools; Conduction of monitoring with the Ombudsman; Supporting the production of the monitoring report; Organization of the round table for the presentation of the findings, Dissemination of the report to institutions; Supporting the writing and dissemination of an Advisory Panel Declaration.
- b) Advocacy activities contributing to Policies &Programs pillar of prevention include.
- c) Production by the Advisory Panel of informational materials; Conduction of ten Advisory Panel led information sessions; Conduction of young survivors’ social media campaign.
Donator: Ignite philanthropy
Project period: 1 September 2023 – 30 May 2024