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Raport i monitorimit te vendimeve gjyqësore për raste të dhunës seksuale

Mundësitë për të zhvilluar plane të suksesshme riintegrimi të viktimave të dhunës me bazë gjinore në bashkitë Kukës, Dibër, Korçë dhe Berat

Research Report The Evidence Speaks Itself

Raport Studimor “Gjetjet tona flasin vetë”

Study report on the need of drafting a special law for the protection of victims of trafficking in albania

Research on local job market

Reframing trafficking prevention

Preventing human trafficking

Falling through the cracks!


Research on the issues of cooperation of victims of trafficking with law enforcement authorities

Research on the issues of cooperation of victims of trafficking with law enforcement authorities

Study on the social economic reintegration of victims of trafficking in Albania

Study on the social economic reintegration of victims of trafficking in Albania