In response to the Covid-19 situation with the support of Arise Foundation, the organization “Different & Equal” in cooperation with all PMF’s of Tirana has contributed to respond to all the urgent needs of many families in need.
Part of the cases have been beneficiaries of the ‘’D&E’’ Reintegration Program, families in need from Roma and Egyptian communities, as well as people who have contacted through the #bettertogether platform.
In a time frame of a month, in total were distributed 64 food packages, of which 38 packages for Roma and Egyptian community, 9 food packages for “D&E” cases that are assisted in apartments, 5 cases referred by the #bettertogether platform and 12 families in Shkoza, Kashar, Tirana which have had problems such as; domestic violence, mental and physical health problems, families affected by earthquake, homeless people etc.
To minimize the exposure to virus Covid-19, all the PMF’s employees have been provided with all the protection equipments against the Covid-19.
“Different & Equal” wants to thank “Arise Foundation” for all the support given in the realization of this humanitarian initiative and at the same time all the PMf’s of Tirana or other actors in implementing of this project.