#WITHYOU that stigma makes you feel victim twice
#WITHYOU that fear of opinion forces you to live with violence
#WITHYOU that undergo whenever you think of your children’s future
#WITHYOU to give you the courage to say enough!
#WITHYOU campaign was an initiative that was realized in the framework of the month of Women’s History, March. Its content was dedicated to victims of violence, sexual abuse and trafficking. The main purpose was to raise awareness of the public and its victims about the rights and opportunities that they have. The activities that were held throughout the month of March were numerous:
- The Protest
Slogan #WITHYOU, Raise you voice!
This protest took place in marching form in several cities of Albania such as Tirana, Saranda, Peshkopia, Kukesi, but part of this movement were also other cities of Albania which were not part of the project as well Durresi, Vlora, Pogradeci, Shkodra.
Starting from the events that shook the public at the entrance of 2019 the protest was preceded by a public statement addressed to all central and local institutions to end abuses against women and girls. In each of the cities the protest followed the same line, initially was initiated on the social media, then it was the distribution of stickers and posters. In their content, besides the call for prostration, were also contact numbers where assistance could be sought or reported in cases of abuse or violence.
A unifying part of the protest were the banners with a same format for all the cities and for the participants were also prepared T-shirts with the campaign slogan.
Through this march was required to be not neglected anymore any issues related to domestic violence or sexual abuse. Bringing before the justice to all abusers and obligatory therapeutic treatment for each of them, demanding that the human dignity of Albanian girls and women will be never affected again.
2.Event “For March 8, instead of flowers give a job”
This event was not just a approach dedicated to women and girls who needed a job, but through the project “Cooperation for economic empowerment of trafficked and violent survivors”, the opportunity was created for people belonging to this target group to be recognized with opportunities for employment and professional training. Survivors of trafficking and violence need more than anyone for economic empowerment and reintegration into society. Through this event, the aim was to support and empower each girl, woman in the same situation.
3. Information sessions
During March, four informative meetings were held in several cities of Albania such as Kukes, Tirana, Saranda and Dibra. Through them were presented the findings of the study: “On the needs and opportunities offered by the labor market for the development of potential vocational training programs and business development for survivors of trafficking and domestic violence”. Participants included business companies, specialists from the Labor Office, Professional Training Center, Social Services and Civil Society Organizations, specialists from the Prefecture and City Municipalities that were part of the project. The findings of this study and the recommendations were used to inform the above actors to strengthen co-operation in order to give priority to the former victims by helping them to exploit their potential in the labor market.
4. Cooperation with the Albanian Football Federation.
During March, “Albanian Football Federation” joined the awareness campaign # WITHYOU. Football is the most followed sport by the male audience and it was thought that the realization of an awareness campaign with this category would increase awareness of this cause. Footballers are seen as a positive model in society and as people who transmit values which often have a huge impact on football fans. In the 26th week of the championship, players kept stamping in their faces the # WITHYOU message to bring the right signal to those who are experiencing violence or any form of abuse to emphasize that they should not to be silent anymore. Using the sport as a means of communication, this initiative aimed to make the football fans particularly aware that no form of violence against girls and women is justified. The games that were part of this campaign were those between the teams: Tirana-Laçi, Kukës-Partizani, Luftëtari-Skëndërbeu, Teuta-Kastrioti
In addition, besides the message stamped on the faces of the footballers, on the field was exposed the banner of the campaign which besides the slogan contained the contact numbers which can orientate you to search help.
5. Media
The campaign #WITHYOU was followed by a large audience based on the dynamics of the activities that were part of it. For the public, it was initially anonasized through the radio where it was presented the purpose and content that it would have.