Title of project: “Empowering the staff that works with victims of trafficking to prevent secondary trauma and burnout”
Project Purpose: To support the professionals that works with victims of trafficking to prevent secondary trauma and burnout
Specific objectives:
- To Improve strategies for the prevention of secondary trauma and burn out for at least 40 shelters staff for victims of trafficking
- To produce a guide on prevention of secondary trauma and burn out
- To Increase skills of the National Coalition of Shelters staff to deal with challenges and difficult trafficking cases
The main activities of the project:
- Preparation of a guide on preventing the secondary trauma and burn out for professionals
- Organization of the 2 workshops on the prevention of secondary trauma and burn out
- Organization of the supervision sessions for the staff of the National Coalition of Shelters
- Organization of 2 exchanging experiences between the Coalition of Shelters staff
- Organization of the 2 trainings on dealing with difficult cases and issues in Shelter
Donator: U.S. Embassy Tirana, Albania
Project period: 1 September 2023 – 31 August 2024