Home > Projects > Justice is a true story when victims become the first worry

Overall objective: To ensure an effective protection and legal support for victims based on the victims centred approach, as the best response to their rights and to fight of the phenomenon in general.

The goal of project:

To help and protect victims of crimes (victims of trafficking, victims of sexual abuse, victims of domestic violence) especially victims of trafficking by offering direct assistance and free legal aid; increasing the capacity of law enforcements; increasing information for victims rights and how to get access to justice; and advocating for improving legislation.

Project activities:

  • Establishment and running a help line for free legal counseling and assistance to victims of crimes
  • Assisting victims of crimes (victims of trafficking, victims of sexual abuse, victims of domestic violence,) through counseling line and free legal assistance.
  • Trainings and direct assistance for the law enforcements agencies on the protection of victims of trafficking and application of legal framework including the new amendments approved with the new law no. 36/30.03.2017;
  • Advocacy for drafting a specific anti-trafficking law that regulates a full package of the rights for victims of trafficking;
  • Information sessions and awareness activities in different districts for the rights of victims including information for the new legal changes approved on the frame of justice reform.


Location:   This project will be implemented to all districts in Albania according to the needs of victims of trafficking, domestic violence and sexual abuse, but specific activities are planned in Tirana, Elbasan, Fier, Kukes, Korca, Dibra, including rural areas.

Period: December 2017 – July 2019

Donors: Europian Union, implemented by Save the Children in partnership with Centre of Integrated Legal Services and Practices